  • George George

    I know it might be casual, but removing free throws would take away player's opportunities to catch breath. Also, if you have student officials, free throw administration is a great thing to practice. What you can do though, if time of running clock is a consideration is only shoot the free throw that would make the play live on release. Any other free throws would be assumed to have went in (even the front end of the 1 and 1 bonus).

    Common foul - out of bounds
    Shooting foul ( 2 pt FG missed) - 1 pt added + 1 free throw
    Shooting foul (2 pt FG made) - 2 pts added + 1 free throw
    Shooting foul (3 pt FG missed) - 2 pts added + 1 free throw
    Shooting foul (3 pt FG made) - 3 pts added + 1 free throw
    Bonus (single or double) - 1 pt added + 1 free throw

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  • George George

    McComb -

    I know you said that you have a program with the size to only have two distinctions, I am curious as to your program size, amount of participants, etc. I would also be very curious to see how your program evolves.

    This distinction based on competitive levels is very intriguing and I would consider something similar if needed.


    posted in Feature Suggestions read more
  • George George

    I don't feel the need to put it in written policy and if I did, I would just make it vague to provide flexibility in its application. I usually have a couple of my student employees look over the list of names with me to catch anything that could be harmful to someone's feelings or values. When they come up, we tell the team that they need to come up with another option and they have been receptive and understanding of it.

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  • George George

    @Coordinator We had our IT department develop a filter that connects with IM Leagues log-in and it checks their student status against that. If they are not students/staff members than it will mark them as ineligible. So if they are eligible on IM Leagues, then they should be good.


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  • George George

    We utilize iPads at our games. We have created whiteboard scoresheets that our officials will use to track attendance and scores. At the conclusion of the games, we have the supervisors take a picture of the whiteboard and input the scores on IMLeagues.

    So we have staff that inputs the scores. We have only allowed players to report the scores in our racquet sports.

    posted in Intramurals read more
  • George George

    Looks really clean and modern. I like it!

    posted in General Discussion read more