Connor - We use ZOOOM at Crieghton. If you can find a meaningful way to integrate it into your program AND get student buy-in, I think the tool is pretty good. There are a lot of great functions for video upload and editing that I use. The hardest part about it is finding the manpower to do all the editing, clipping and discussion posting that comes with it.
ZOOOM has been used at the National Flag and Basketball tournaments with pretty good results.
I like the idea personally, but I don't have the budget or staff to track statistics. We do post the folks that play the most at the end of the semester, however. No prize is associated with it.
At the bottom of all IMLeagues pages, there's a contact support button - normally it's a live chat option. Greg, Doug and Tyler are easy to work with. I would start there.
They are not. Chatted with the IML people yesterday. I was told that they are being tested at the moment with rollouts to be happening soon.
We do as much as we can... posters, newsletters, organization outbreaks, tabling, sidewalk signs/chalk, emails, text messages social media etc.... If it's available to us.... We use it.