• Parliament Parliament

    Hi all,
    Does anyone have any written guidelines or rules on 'acceptable' team names? We've posted the following but looking for insight from other schools that have tackled this already.

    Each team name and logo is subject to approval of the Intramural Coordinator. When selecting a team name and logo, captains should ensure that:
    • They are in good taste.
    • They do not contain any profanity.
    • They do not contain a person’s real name, unless that person is also a participant on the team or has provided written permission to the captain.
    • If a ‘play-on-words’ is used:
    o It is not offensive to any religion, gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or any other student group on campus.
    o That switching of letters does not spell an offensive or profane word.
    o The play on words has some relevance to the sport.
    • Where a complaint is received regarding a team name, it shall be reviewed by the Coordinator – Intramurals & Special Projects or Associate Director – Recreation & Sport Clubs, who will hold equal discretion on the decision to change a team name.
    • Teams are encouraged to seek guidance from the Coordinator – Intramurals & Special Projects, where they are ordering team uniforms with the team name or logo, if they have any concern about the permissibility of the name/logo. Uniforms that are deemed offensive will not be permitted to be worn, and any cost for those uniforms will be the sole responsibility of the team.

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  • Parliament Parliament

    At Queens' University this summer we had this concern brought forward by one of our CoRec softball teams. We ended up adding a question to the account-creation page, that was:

    "Queen’s Intramurals acknowledges that the Male/Female options presented above, do not encompass all individuals. The information is collected because many of our leagues are “Co-Rec”, requiring a certain number of males & females. We are examining different options, and appreciate your understanding in your registration. I identify as: "

    We then presented several options. The individuals still had to select Male/Female, but could also select the gender they identify with. This satisfied the players concerns.

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