• LaFontaine LaFontaine

    For each league sport we offer (basketball, volleyball, soccer, ultimate, etc.), we set a schedule at the beginning of the season based on each team's stated playing preferences. As frequently happens, a team captain will contact us and request a particular game be rescheduled. Sometimes they submit the request in a timely manner and we do our best to accommodate it. On other occasions, it may be a request submitted on game day, or only a few hours before (despite our policy of at least 24 hours notice). Our biggest frustration this year has come from captains that initiate contact with the opposing team captain, then contact us saying "we've already agreed with the opposing team to reschedule, so we won't be playing the game tonight/tomorrow." It's especially prevalent toward the end of an outdoor season, when we're pressed for time, trying to complete the regular season before beginning post-season tournaments.

    My question to members of this esteemed group:

    1. Do you have any tips/tricks/suggestions to offer for educating our participants on the importance of providing timely requests, and not waiting until the proverbial last minute? 2) Have any of you experienced a situation in which the team captains mutually agreed to reschedule without first seeking permission/approval from the IM staff? If so, how did you handle it?
    2. Do any schools have a 'black out' period, or policy, regarding requests to postpone or reschedule a game? For example, no requests to reschedule will be honored if made less than one week before the end of the regular season.

    Any comments or suggestions would be most appreciated.

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