• Walker 0 Walker 0

    Hello Xcaret,

    Here at Sam Houston I have developed a return to activities plan. I guess I should say I am continually developing as things are changing almost constantly. If you would like I can send you that document to give you a better and more comprehensive idea of what are plans are currently.

    Let me know.


    Jake Walker
    Coordinator, Intramural Sports

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  • Walker 0 Walker 0

    I think a lot of shooting free throws versus not shooting free throws depends on the culture, as much as it depends on the timing, of the game. Our program does two 20 minute halves and for most of the participants that 30 seconds while we shoot free throws is how they catch their breath. If you are at a place where participants don't want to stop playing and just want to reset and go as quickly as possible I see options 1 and 3 being feasible.

    I would caution about taking away any advantage to the team being fouled. You could see an uptick in fouls if there is no points awarded or no penalties assessed to the offending team.

    posted in Intramurals read more